How - To
Charles L. Terra Ph.D.
USAF Veteran
Getting started with the PC JR is a challenge after so many years away from booting DOS and Floppies.
Listed is a quick start guide to setting up your  CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files.

This is intended to only give you a quick how-to get going with your Boot Disk !
For more details read the associated documents for indepth details on their use and configuration.
This example is setup up for DOS 5.0, with:
- JR-IDE installed  Hard Drive / 640K / Clock
- ZIP-100 Drive
- Serial Mouse
- 3Flop Board using 3 disk drives   3.5"   720K
device=jrconfig.sys /v64 /m /t3 /b2 /d3 
device=palmzip.sys /lpt1 /b /f 
device=driver.sys /d:0 /f:2 /h:2 /t:80 /s:9 
device=driver.sys /d:1 /f:2 /h:2 /t:80 /s:9 
device=driver.sys /d:2 /f:2 /h:2 /t:80 /s:9 
stacks=0,0                 ( refer to your DOS manual for descriptions )

device=jrconfig.sys     (refer to jrconfig documentation for details) (refer to DOS Manual for 'device=')

/M      will turn off the PCjr's internal speaker

/Vn    The default size of the video buffer is 16KB which is adequate for all programs designed to work with a CGA graphics adapter.
          With the JR-IDE installed you have 640K memory so you can allocate 64K for your video.

/Tn      T3 - for 80 X 25 Color 

/Bn      B2 - will move the screen n positions to the right, use /Bn where n is from 1 to 7 
           This is custom and allows the user to move the screen to better center your screen text on your monitor.

/Dn      D3 - will tell DOS how many floppy drives to control and to assign a drive letter for each one of them use /Dn option, where n is 1 to 4 
            Using the 3Flop Board you have to tell the system you have 3 drives attached.

device=mouse704.sys   Installs the mouse driver

device=smartdrv.sys     Hard drive caching

device=driver.sys /d:0 /f:2 /h:2 /t:80 /s:9       
device=driver.sys /d:1 /f:2 /h:2 /t:80 /s:9 
device=driver.sys /d:2 /f:2 /h:2 /t:80 /s:9

Sets up the extra disk drives that are attached  per the /Dn option in the JRCONFIG.  
/d:0  = Drive A
/d:1  = Drive B
/d:2  = Drive D  ( you have the JR-IDE installed so drive letter C is taken by the hard drive)
/h:2   = number of heads the drive has
/t::80 = tracks the drive has ( 80 is for a typical 3.5 720K drive)
/s:9   = sectors per track

device=ansi.sys   this has many uses but I use this for the ESC sequences, graphics.  (see the AUTOEXEC.BAT)

PROMPT  $e[1;44m$p$g 
jridertc /D 
PROMPT   $e[1;44m$p$g       This command uses ansi.sys esc character to set the screen to Foreground WHITE
                                                   and Background BLUE, and set the command line prompt to show:
                                                   $p = Current drive and path
                                                   $g = > displays the greater than symbol

jride / D    reads the clock from the JR-IDE board and sets the DOS time
                 jride.com must reside in your c: root directory
mouse704  installs the mouse driver for the serial mouse

path=c:\;c:turbo7;     sets the active paths, you will customize this for your system and needs.

ver     DOS command that displays the version of DOS you are using ( this is personal preference also )