Radio Shack COCO

Atari, Nintendo, VIC20, Commodore, TI, Tandy, Kaypro, etc.
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Radio Shack COCO

Post by chuckphd53 »

WOW.... ( psergiu ) I just noticed you had a COCO listed in your computer list...

Had a friend lived across the street from me in 85 when I had my first Jr, bought new at Computerland in Houston, Tx.

If I remember correctly the COCO and Commodore 64 was the biggies for the BBS crowd.....

I had my BBS, written in Basic running on my Jr with two Floppies...
and a 1200 Baud HAYES modem ($400 new) yikes.. but wow the speed step up over 300 baud..

Loved that busssss.....chirp connect sound of someone calling into the BBS and downloading some 34K utility I had on Floppy drive #2.
and it only took 10-20 minutes to download :lol:

(is this what they call midlife crisis) I think I'm late !!
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Re: Radio Shack COCO

Post by psergiu »

It's a CoCo3 bought at an estate sale - 1st time seeing this computer - there weren't any clones of it in Eastern Europe :)
Got a CoCoSDC for it and thus I discovered that I have a bad RAM chip - all larger games were crashing.
I now got the Triad 2MB RAM expansion (which disables the on-board RAM) but I need to find time to open-it up and solder all the stuff in.
It's an interesting machine.
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Re: Radio Shack COCO

Post by chuckphd53 »

sounds like a fun project.
Something about those old 'Atari' type shoot em up games, just simple but fun...

keep us posted
“I never commit to memory anything that can easily be looked up in a book.” (AE)
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